The Great Divide… Connection vs. Separation

When you see someone on their phone, reading a text, or connected through the internet, do you feel they are being sociable? Many argue that this form of networking is artificial, however others discuss it as not being less sociable, however just a means of trying to escape the harsh reality we live in (Zoijade1503).

This week’s lecture draws on The Great Divide within the Network Society Paradigm. Ted highlights the role of a node (online user), and their control of social media platforms, as well as the cybernetics enclosed within the internet.

Overview of the role of a node…

The connection vs separation discussion surrounding the role of the internet is highly influenced by Norbert Weiner’s concept of cybernetics.


Weiner enforces a node’s ability to control and communicate with others online via Facebook Messenger, Reddit etc. Weiner’s concept of cybernetics highlights how a digital machine reacts to information by receiving control, and having accessibility whilst communicating online.

Remediation: Great wall of China highlighting ‘The Great Divide’ of the Network Society Paradigm. The gif conveys a node’s ability to control what they see and post on social media through the term ‘connection’. Whilst also acknowledging ‘disconnection’ by the portrayal of a node’s unawareness of what their followers can see online due to cybernetics.


Reference List:

Zoijade1503, Is technology making humans less sociable?, Debate, online discussion forum, viewed 12 August, <>

8 thoughts on “The Great Divide… Connection vs. Separation

  1. wonderingworld6499 says:

    Hey April, so are you saying Weiner’s concept of cybernetics shows how digital machines, are the ones that have the control because of the information they receive from the nodes? And if that’s not what he’s saying then please feel free to explain! Thank you!


  2. Alexander Mastronardi says:

    Hey April, I think this was a great discussion on ‘The Great Divide’, I didn’t really consider this angle when viewing the lecture material so it was very insightful. I also think its important to recognise that there are those two different views on being apart of a networked society, connected vs. separation.

    I believe its particularly relevant for people of our age as we probably wouldn’t view people as unsociable when using their devices, whereas older generations will and this is part of the paradigm shift. Connecting Norbet Wiener to this discussion was great as well, I also love the gif! it remediates the topic perfectly and glitchy gifs are a favorite of mine.

    My one and only suggestion would be to add some more hyperlinks. For example, maybe a link to something about Wiener and an explanation of his concept in greater detail. This might be a good one:

    – Alex

    Liked by 1 person

  3. emilygrujevski says:

    Hey April,
    Your post is a different insight to what I got out of the lecture and a good, interesting perspective. Personally, I’m very bitter-sweet about the revolutionising of the internet and how far technology has come. It most definitely does enable us to stay connected through sending messages instantaneously through long-distance communication but I believe has also separated us whole as a society. Think about the usage of mobile phones now whilst out with friends and family. Cyberspace has drastically advanced from the personal computer in 1981 to things such as cybernetics and artificial intelligence today.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. epazarkoski says:

    The battle that feels like it’s never ending: “why are you on your *INSERT TECHNOLOGICAL ITEM HERE* so much. You’re so anti-social”. Although I think that we as millennials hear this too often, using technology is easy. It’s a comfort that we have grown accustomed to. You refer to it as being an escape from reality, but I think its also a volatile addiction. We have little control over what information is being presented to us despite the role of a node. It takes waves and walls of online users to put a dent into the content we view, but when those waves do have momentum, it’s like a tsunami.

    I think your remediation represents that notion incredibly as a metaphor, and my only suggestion would be to talk about that further within your post!

    Liked by 1 person

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